

18 July, 2024

Caution urged as students return

DRIVERS are reminded to be cautious as school speed zones are back in effect from this week.

By wd-news

Safety first: Drivers are reminded to slow down with school speed zones now enforced with Term Three beginning this week.
Safety first: Drivers are reminded to slow down with school speed zones now enforced with Term Three beginning this week.

Students this week returned to classrooms for the start of Term Three, prompting a reminder for drivers to slow down in school zones.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport urged all motorists to watch out for children who may be a little out of practice with their road safety.

“All school speed zones are back in operation for the start of Term Three,” the spokesperson said.

“This happens state-wide in line with the Victorian school calendar and helps to avoid any confusion about local differences, and means more traffic, pedestrians, cyclists and busses around drop off and pick up times.

“Please be alert, as the younger kids especially have less awareness of road safety and they can be unpredictable around traffic, and all students after the break might be a little out of practice.

“It is on everyone to be alert to obey those reduced speed limits and the direction of crossing supervisors to keep the kids safe.”

The spokesperson said weather conditions are also a factor to keep in mind when driving through school zones.

“Along with the reduced speed limits, generally 40km/h in most school speed zones between 8am-9.30am and 2.30pm-4pm, you can also expect to see more people getting in and out of parked cars,” the spokesperson said.

“Extra pedestrians, cyclists and people on scooters and skateboards are all potentially more difficult to see in wintery and wet conditions.

“Please stay focussed for everyone’s safety.”


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